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It's not your fault!


Today many medical Doctors and scientists believe that between 65-90% of all our diseases are caused


Several years ago I wrote down a list of all the conditions I was getting amazing results with in my clinic. They all  had one thing in common:


Most pains, back pain,  headaches, migraines, fatigue challenges, depression and anxiety are caused by stress. And the great news is that we were getting amazing results with them all because we worked with reducing the stress as it was anchored in the body.

The 3 Types of STRESS

One of the easiest ways  to think about stress is to break it down into 3 categories.


Over life, we have trauma - often starting from the birthing process. 

This often places a HUGE stress on our spine!

We not only have physical trauma     from accidents such as broken bones, but also abuse, sexual, emotional and mental trauma.  


Most people are unaware of how their thinking plays a really important role in their life.

Your inner voice or chatter can make you live a life of hell or have peace of mind.

Lots of people are causing so much stress with their negative thinking. 


From too much sugar to recreational drugs or medication with its side effects!

What goes into our bodies can and does cause STRESS

How it effects you

The effects of stress are on both



Our bodies go into a Defensive Physiology.

Our posture becomes more hunched over time.

We feel more tension and a lack of ease.

We become more tired or irritable/reactive.

More stress chemicals are produced.

Our breathing becomes more shallow.


Our thoughts become more negative.

We focus on problems.

We often get trapped in imaginary thoughts.

We focus on what we don't want.

We often DOWNSIZE life.

We try to control our environment.

We have less positive emotions.


NSA is super effective at helping people with STRESS

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) can help with stress in several ways:

Releases Tension:

NSA helps to release tension in the body, which can be a common symptom of stress.

We work to improve the function of your spine and nervous system, so your body can become more relaxed and at ease, leading to a reduction in stress-related tension.

Addresses Underlying Causes:

NSA helps to address underlying causes of stress, such as physical or emotional trauma, by working to improve the function of your nervous system.

When your nervous system is functioning optimally, you will be better equipped to handle stress in your life.

Promotes Resilience:

By helping you develop greater resilience to stress, NSA helps you better cope with the ups and downs of life. Through gentle touches along your spine, NSA helps your body adapt more effectively to stress and recover more quickly from stressful events.

Encourages Self-Awareness:

NSA also encourages greater self-awareness, which is so helpful in managing stress.

As you become more aware of your body's rhythms and patterns, you will have the strategies to identify and manage stress before it becomes overwhelming.

NSA is such an effective tool for managing stress by addressing physical and emotional symptoms, improving resilience, and promoting greater self-awareness. However, it's important to remember that NSA is just one part of a comprehensive stress plan - It's SUPER IMPORTANT to ALSO work on your MINDSET - Please make sure you do WELLNESS MINDSET MASTERY to work with your MINDSET.

Our goal is to help you transform your life and live every day with more wellness.

PHONE :  021 881 937

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